Control Room

Control Room is a stealthy strategy game with puzzle elements where the player takes the role of a traitorous control room operator in a futuristic military facility. The player works to help a team of AI controlled infiltrators move through the facility by activating and deactivating different devices within the environment. Along the way, the player must balance his or her loyalty to the infiltrators with the threat of being discovered as a traitor.


Control Room was developed for the PC in Game Maker for the Fall 2013 semester of the Game Production Lab course at The University of Texas at Dallas. I served as the Creative Director on a team of ten people. The rest of the team consisted of one Producer, one AI Designer, two Programmers, two Level Designers, two 2D Artists, and a Sound Designer.

During the semester, I worked closely with the members of the team to ensure that the game was as close to the artistic vision as possible. While we were limited with what we could do in Game Maker, I was able to take a more hands approach when deadlines approached. I directed, designed mechanics, and assisted with level design.


The final build of Control Room can be found here.