Dual Discs

Dual Discs is an educational game that is intended to teach children how to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division efficiently. I worked on this project as part of an Educational Games course at The University of Texas at Dallas in Spring 2015. I worked with my teammate, Jenn Tidwell, to further develop her initial prototype. I was responsible for the design of the assessment system, puzzle design, and balancing the difficulty curve. 


The player is given a set of discs with white dots on the left side of the screen and must match the total number of white dots to the number on the right side of the screen. The player uses different mathematical operators on the discs to achieve this. After each level, the player is assessed based on two parameters. The player gets one star shard for getting the correct answer and up to two star shards based on the number of steps they used. The efficiency of the player's actions is weighted greater than that of balancing the sides as we wanted to emphasize how certain operators are more efficient at different tasks. As the player progresses, the problems become more difficult and begin to require multiple operators to be used in order for the player to achieve a perfect score.


You can find the most recent build of Dual Discs here.