
Max and the Grimbles is a first person sandbox game where the player takes on the role of a little girl, Max, who is exploring a forest with her dog Fang. As the player and Fang explore the forest, they meet mysterious creatures called Grimbles. The player must take care of the Grimbles while simultaneously preventing Fang from damaging their population. The player does this by growing crops and playing fetch with Fang.


Max and the Grimbles was developed in Unity for the PC over the course of the Fall 2015 semester of the Game Production Lab at The University of Texas at Dallas. Our team consisted of eighteen people across a number of roles. My role on the team was that of a Game Designer. As such, my duties included the design and documentation of various mechanics and systems. Additionally, I communicated with the rest of the team to coordinate the implementation of such features. A little under halfway through the project, I was promoted to Co-Creative Director due to the workload of the Creative Director/Lead Programmer. My responsibilities shifted to also include oversight of design decisions made across the team.


The final build of Max and the Grimbles can be downloaded here.